Caraway Seed

Best known for flavoring rye bread, caraway seeds have a wonderfully spicy aroma and a sweet, but slightly bitter bite.
These small, tannish brown seeds are the dried fruits of the herb Carum carvi, a member of the parsley family. Their taste can be described as a blend of dill and anise—pleasantly sweet, but slightly biting and aromatic.

Caraway seeds are most familiar in our favorite hearty rye breads, but they also add delicate, nutty flavor to cheeses, cakes, stews, meats, vegetables and a Dutch liquor called Kummel. The spice is widely used in the cuisines of Austria, Germany and Hungary.

A Little Bit of History

It's believed that caraway seeds have been used in Europe longer than any other condiment. They were found in Switzerland 8,000 years ago and were first recorded in the medical papyrus of Thebes in 1552 BC. Through the ages, caraway has been used in digestive aids and love potions as well as foods. In Elizabethan England, the seeds were enjoyed with baked apples.


Caraway seeds are largely produced in Holland, but Egypt is an additional source. The seeds from Holland are considered premium because of their oil content and consistent shape and color.  They are also more aromatic and bitter than the Egyptian variety, which have a milder, rye flavor.

Storage Tips

Store airtight in a cool, dark place for no more than six months.

Usage Tips

• Toss with your favorite potato salad recipe.

• Sprinkle on cucumbers, green beans and squash.

• Crush and add to meat marinades, stews and stuffings.

• Add to omelets, sauerkraut and tuna casseroles.

• Sprinkle lightly over spice cake batters before baking.

• Lightly toast before using to enhance flavor.

• Add to hot dishes during the last 15 minutes of cooking.

Try one of our favorite caraway seed recipes:

Caraway Seed Rye Bread
Trapper's Peak Tenderloin
Polish Sausage and Cabbage

Suggested Pairings

beef, beets, breads, cabbage, celery, cheese, cucumbers, onions, pork, potatoes, salmon, stuffing, turnips, venison