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Roasted Yams and Kale
Sautéed Kale and Vegetables
Spicy Kale
Crispy Kale
Kale and Garlicy Mushrooms
Kale Onion Stir-Fry
Kale with Cranberries
Sauteed Kale
Kale and Parsnips
Spicy Sauteed Kale (Molli Mexico City Sauce)
Mediterranean Kale
Braised Kale
Braised Lacinato Kale
Panfried Kale
Sautéed apples and kale with roasted sweet pota...
Steamed Kale - 0 Points
Sauteed Kale with Bacon and Vinegar
Braised Kale with Garlic And Red Wine
Kale Crunch
Roasted kale
Roasted Beet Noodles with Pesto and Baby Kale
Hale Kale (Creamed)
Tomatoes and Kale Side Dish Vegan (r T)