Ant Control

Category: Other

Cuisine: not set

Ready in 45 minutes
by Kirkgrant


1/2 teaspoon

3 tablespoons

1 cup


Make 1% boric acid 20% sugar solution by combining ingredients in clear jar so you can see when all of the crystals have dissolved. Soak cotton balls in solution. Make bait dispensers by cutting holes in edges. Place soaked cotton balls in containers an cover with lid so bait won't dry out. Place bait containers wherever you see ants. Clean containers and freshen up bait solution every week. Be patient. Let worker ants continually carry boric acid to feed the ants in their nest and kill the queen. After a few weeks you can reduce boric acid content to 1/2% and use that for long term control. A very low dose makes it more likely any surviving ants will continue eating the bait and take it back to nest

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