CAKE, White Texas Sheet Cake with White Frosting

Category: Desserts

Cuisine: American

Ready in 45 minutes
by Sfwaller



1 cup Butter Cubed

1 cup Water

2 cups Flour

2 cups Sugar

2 whole Eggs Beaten

1/2 cups Sour Cream

1 teaspoon Salt

1 teaspoon Almond Extract

1 teaspoons Baking Soda


1/2 cup Butter

1/4 cups Milk

1/2 teaspoon Almond extract. OR. vanilla

4 1/2 cups Powdered Sugar Sifted


Preheat oven to 350 F. Grease or spray a 9X13 rectangular baking dish and set aside. In a small saucepan over medium heat, add the water and bring to slight boil. Once the water has been brought to a boil, add the cubed butter. Stir with a rubber spatula until butter has completely melted. Then remove pan from heat and set aside. In a large bowl, add the flour, sugar and eggs and mix to combine. Then slowly pour in the warm liquid while beating the mixture. Make sure you pour it in very slowly so the eggs don?t turn into scrambled eggs. Once the liquid has been added, the mixture should be smooth. Then add the sour cream, salt, almond extract, and baking soda. Once the mixture is well blended pour it into the15 x 10 x 1 baking dish and smooth the top. Place pan in the oven. Bake for 30 minutes, but start the frosting about 22 minutes in. Cool for 20 mins. For the frosting: In a large saucepan on medium high heat, whisk together the milk, butter. Continue to stir until well blended. Remove pan from heat. Slowly add in the powdered sugar one cup at a time stirring after each addition. Once all the powdered sugar is added, add the almond extract and mix to combine. Frost the cake & top with chopped walnuts.

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