Mandarin Chocolate Zucchini Cake

Category: Desserts

Cuisine: not set

Ready in 45 minutes
by rotts4me


2 C grated zucchini -- 1 lb about 2 medium

2 C sugar

2 1/2 cups flour

3 eggs

1/2 Cup butter plus 1 TBSP

3 Tablespoons oil

2/3 cup cocoa

1/2 cup milk

2 1/2 teaspoons baking powder

1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda

1/2 teaspoon salt

1 tsp cinnamon

2 tsp vanilla

2 tsp orange rind


Grate the zucchini into a strainer first, and allow to drain while you assemble the remaining ingredients. Prepare the bundt pan with pan release spray; set aside. Cream together butter & sugar. Beat in the eggs one at a time. Gradually beat in the flour, leavening agents and seasonings, chocolate, and milk. Blend in zucchini. Bake as directed. Frost if desired when cool. NOTES : 9 TBSP cocoa + 3 TBSP oil = 3 x 1oz squares of melted baking chocolate if you should choose to substitute that instead, as per standard substitution rate. I used cocoa because that's what I had that day, but melted baking chocolate is good, too. 350F 65 min. Toothpick test for doneness.

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