
Category: Breakfast

Cuisine: not set

Ready in 45 minutes
by danniega


2 cups

1 teaspoon

1 teaspoon

1 teaspoon

1-1 1/2 cups

1/2 cup


Combine all dry ingredients and whisk together then pour in a cup of water and mix and if it is too thick add more water slowly ( the batter should be the sticky enough to droop off the fork or spoon and not run off like water ) the 1/2 a cup of oil need to be put into a frying pan and heated up over medium heat. To test the oil drop a small bit of the batter in the oil if it bubbles like heated oil does then the oil is ready. Spoon 1 - 2 tablespoons of batter in 1 pile depending on the size of the frying pan ( mine I can fit about 5-7 in the pan to fry up at a time). Fry til golden brown and flip over and do the same on other side and place on a plate with paper towel on it

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