Feijoa Crumble

Category: not set

Cuisine: not set

Ready in 45 minutes
by Brent0372


10 -14 Medium.size feijoas

2 tablespoons Brown sugar

1/2 cup Wwater

100 g butter

1 cup flour (white wholemeal or 1/2 cup of each)

1 teaspoon baking powder

1/2 cup cup brown sugar or white sugar


Pre heat oven to 160'C. Peel & slice feijoas into an ovenproof dish. Add the brown sugar and water and stir to combine. Combine the butter,flour, baking powder and 2nd measure of sugar. Mix until like fine breadcrumbs. (use a food processor if liked). Sprinkle topping on fruit and bake for 45-60 minutes, until the fruit is stewed and the topping crisp. Serve hot or warm with custard and/or cream.

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