New Orleans Beef Hand Pie

Spicy and savory hand pies, for eating on the go

Category: Appetizers

Cuisine: Latin

Ready in 4 hours 45 minutes
by benoitchrissy


8 bags cheddar 5 lb bag

8 each ground beef 10 lb logs

12 cans red kidney beans

Cumin make it very seasoned 1/4 c per log

Red Pepper make it very seasoned 1/4 c per log

Black Pepper make it very seasoned 1/2 cup per log

12 each Onion 1.5 per log of beef

2.5 cups Garlic 1/4 per log of beef

to taste Salt make it very seasoned 1/4-1/2 per log


Take ground beef and mix in seasonings. Then dice onion and mix into beef mix with garlic. Cook up a small portion and taste to see if you need to add more seasoning before cooking. Once beef is properly seasoned, place in oven on 350 and let cook for 2 hours. Remove from oven and mix up again, place back in oven, let cook another 2 hours. If beef is finished, remove from oven and pour off oil. Then in 2 large bus tubs divide the beef mix, and add the beans evenly to each bin 2.5 cans each , mix in beans. Allow mix to cool. Once mix is cool, add in cheese. Then label 1/2 pans and fill with mix to freeze. If folding right into hand pies, you will need 1 pan for every 25 hand pies. Put the rest in the freezer. There are folding instructions with photos in the recipe binder.

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